# a, b = input(). split()
# a=int(a)
# b=int(b)
# print(a)
# print(b)
# a,b= input(). split('-')
# print(b, a)
# a,b = input(). split(':')
# print(a,b, sep=':')
# y,m,d = input().split('.')
# # print(d,m,y, sep='-')
# h,m,s = input(). split(':')
# print(m)
# 산술연산자 + - * / // % **
a, b = map( int, input().split())
print(a//b) # 몫
print(a%b) #나머지
print(a**b) # a 의 b 제곱
숫자 + 숫자 : 실제 두 숫자의 합
문자열 + 문자열 : 연결
문자열 * 숫자 : 문자열을 숫자번 반복
숫자 * 문자열
a, b = input().split()
print(a+b) # '10'+'3' 연결
print(a*7) # '10'*7
# a,b = input().split()
# w = a+b
# print(w)
# a,b = input().split()
# w = int(a) + int(b)
# print(w)
# a = float(input())
# b = float(input())
# w= (a+b)
# print(w)
# a, b = map(float, input().split())
int == 넘버 constant (-1, 3, 65, 2542 etc)
float == 소수 decimal (3.5 32.57 4364.634523)
if u look at the 입력예시 the input is in 2 lines instead of same line
so we need to separate the a and b instead of using "split()" cuz thats only for a and b in the same line
ive been coming to this academy for like a ytear i better know all this or i have to die
# a, b = map(int, input(). split())
# c = (a-b)
# print(c)
# a = input()
# b = input()
# print(int(a)*b)
# a, b = map(int, input(). split())
# c = a**b
# print(c)
# a, b = map(int, input(). split())
# c = a//b
# print(c)
ex) dividing 5 by 8, u need to times 1. this 1 is 8//5
ex2) after 5 divided by 8 we get a leftover of 3. which is 8%5
# a, b = map(int, input(). split())
# print(a%b)
# a, b = map(int, input(). split())
# print(a+b)
# print(a-b)
# print(a*b)
# print(a//b)
# print(a%b)
# print("%.2f"%(a/b))
# # print("%.2f"%(a/b))
"%.somethingf"% is when u want something thats decimal and also stops at the decimal point you want
ex) if u want it until the tenth place ---> "%.1f"%
# a, b = map(float, input(). split())
# m = a*b
# print(m)
# a, b = map(float, input(). split())
# m = a**b
# print(m)
# a = input()
# a = float(a)
# print(format(a, ".2f"))
## print(format(a, ".2f"))
this print(format(a, "%.2f")) also works for decimal points.
# a, b, c = map(int, input(). split())
# print(a+b+c, end= ' ')
# print('%.2f'%((a+b+c)/3))
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