# print('print(\"Hello\\','nWorld\")',sep='')
# a =input()
# print(a)
# a,b=input().split()
# print(b,a)
# a=input()
# print(a,a,a)
# a,b=input().split(':')
# print(a,b,sep=':')
# a,b,c=input().split('.')
# print(c,b,a,sep='-')
# a,b=input().split('-')
# print(a,b,sep='')
# a=input()
# print(a[0],a[1],a[2],a[3],a[4],sep='\n')
# a=input()
# print(a[0:2],a[2:4],a[4:6])
# a,b,c=input().split(":")
# print(b)
# a,b=input().split()
# print(a+b)
# a=int(input())
# if(a//3==0 or a//3==4):
# print('winter')
# if(a//3==1):
# print('spring')
# if(a//3==2):
# print('summer')
# if(a//3==3):
# print('fall')
# a,b=map(int,input().split())
# print(ab)
# a = int(input())
# print('%x'%a)
# a=int(input(),16)
# print("%o"%a)
# a=input()
# print(ord(a))
# a=int(input())
# print(chr(a))
# a=int(input())
# print(a*-1)
# a=input()
# print(chr(ord(a)+1))
# a,b=int(input().split())
# print(a-b)
# a,b=input().split()
# a=float(a)
# b=float(b)
# print(a*b)
# a,b=input().split()
# b=int(b)
# print(a*b)
# a=int(input())
# b=input()
# print(a*b)
# a,b=input().split()
# print(int(a)**int(b))
# a,b=input().split()
# print(float(a)**float(b))
# a,b=input().split()
# print(int(a)//int(b))
# a=float(input())
# print(format(a,".2f"))
# a,b=input().split()
# a=float(a)
# b=float(b)
# print(format(a/b,".3f"))
# a,b=input().split()
# a=int(a)
# b=int(b)
# print(a+b,a-b,a*b,a//b,a%b,format(a/b,".2f"),sep='\n')
# a,b,c=map(int,input().split())
# d=a+b+c
# print(d,format(d/3,".2f"))
# a,b=map(int,input().split())
# print(a!=b)
# a=int(input())
# print(not bool(a))
# a,b=map(bool,map(int,input().split()))
# print((a and not b)or(not a and b))
# a,b=map(bool,map(int,input().split()))
# print(not((a and not b)or(not a and b)))
# a,b=map(bool,map(int,input().split()))
# print(not a and not b)
# a,b=map(int,input().split())
# print(a if a>b else b)
# a,b,c=map(int,input().split())
# print(c if(a if a<b else b)>c else (a if a<b else b))
# a,b,c=map(int,input().split())
# if a%2==0:
# print(a)
# if b % 2 == 0:
# print(b)
# if c % 2 == 0:
# print(c)
# a,b,c=map(int,input().split())
# print('even'if a%2==0 else 'odd')
# print('even'if b%2==0 else 'odd')
# print('even'if c%2==0 else 'odd')
# a=int(input())
# if(a<0):
# if(a%2==0):
# print('A')
# else:
# print('B')
# else:
# if(a%2==0):
# print('C')
# else:
# print('D')
# a=int(input())
# if(a>=90):
# print('A')
# elif(a>=70):
# print('B')
# elif(a>=40):
# print('C')
# else:
# print('D')
# a=input()
# if(a=='A'):
# print('best!!!')
# elif(a=='B'):
# print('good!!')
# elif(a=='C'):
# print('run!')
# elif(a=='D'):
# print('slowly~')
# else:
# print('what?')
# 반복문
# while
# for
# c=0
# while True :
# print('명령')
# if c==0 :
# break
# if c==5 :
# continue
# c+=1 # c++불가능..ㅠ
# range(5) 0 ~ 5미만 1간격 0 1 2 3 4
# range(3,5) 3 ~ 5미만 1간격 3 4
# range(0,10,2) 0 ~ 10미만 2간격
# for i in range(10,0,-2) :
# print(i)
# 6071 ~ 6091