# a,b = map(int, input().split())# print(a+b)# a,b = map(int, input().split())# print(a%b)# a = int(input())# print(a//60, a%60)# a,b = map(float, input().split())# print(a**b)# a = float(input())# print(format(a, ".2f"))# a,b = map(float, input().split())# print(format(a/b, ".3f"))# a,b,c = map(float, input().split())# d = int(a+b+c)# e = format(d/3, ".2f")# print(d,e)# 산술연산자 + - / // % *# 비교연산자 > < >= <= == !=# a=>b (x)# 논리연산자 and or not# a==10 a와 10이 같나요? True or False로 대답하세요# a=10 a에 10을 대입해라. 명령. a를 10으로 바꿔라.# a,b = map(int, input().split())# print(a>b and a>100)# 6048-6055# a,b = map(int, input().split())# print(a<b)# a,b = map(int, input().split())# print(a==b)# a,b = map(int, input().split())# print(a<=b)# a,b = map(int, input().split())# print(a!=b)# n = int(input())# print(bool(n))# a = bool(int(input()))# print(not a)# a,b = input().split()# print(bool(int(a)) and bool(int(b)))# a,b = input().split()# print(bool(int(a)) or bool(int(b)))'''a,b = input().split()if a==b : print("hello")elif a>b : print("computer")else : print("world")'''# a = int(input())# if a<10 :# print("small")# a = int(input())# if a<10 :# print("small")# else :# print("big")# a,b = map(int, input().split())# if a>b :# print('>')# elif a<b :# print('<')# else :# print('=')# a,b = map(int, input().split())# if a>b :# print(a-b)# else :# print(b-a)# n = int(input())# if n%7 == 0 :# print('multiple')# else :# print('not multiple')# n = float(input())# if 50<=n<=60 :# print('win')# else :# print('lose')# a,b,c = map(int, input().split())# if a > 170 and b > 170 and c > 170 :# print('PASS')# else :# print('CRASH'))'''a,b = map(int, input().split())if a>=b and a%b==0 : print(b, '*', a//b, '=', a, sep='')elif a<=b and b%a==0 : print(a, '*', b//a, '=', b, sep='')else : print('none')'''# a,b = map(float, input().split())# c = (a-100) 0.9# d = (b-c) 100 / c# if d<=10 :# print('정상')# elif 10<d<=20 :# print('과체중')# else :# print('비만')# y,m,d = map(int, input().split())# if (y-m+d) % 10 == 0 :# print('대박')# else :# print('그럭저럭')'''h,m = map(int, input().split())if m>=30 : print(h, m-30)elif m<30 : if h!=0 : print(h-1, m+30) elif h==0 : print('23', m+30)'''a = int(input())if a%10==1 : print()elif a%10==2 :elif a%10==3 :else :
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