# n = int(input())
# onestudent = []
# first = 0
# firstpoints = []
# second = 0
# secondpoints =[]
# third = 0
# thirdpoints = []
# totalcomparison = []
# for i in range(n):
# onestudent = list(map(int, input().split()))
# for j in range(3):
# if j == 0:
# first += onestudent[j]
# firstpoints.append(onestudent[j])
# elif j == 1:
# second += onestudent[j]
# secondpoints.append(onestudent[j])
# elif j == 2:
# third += onestudent[j]
# thirdpoints.append(onestudent[j])
# firstthree = firstpoints.count(3)
# secondthree = secondpoints.count(3)
# thirdthree = thirdpoints.count(3)
# firsttwo = firstpoints.count(2)
# secondtwo = secondpoints.count(2)
# thirdtwo = thirdpoints.count(2)
# if first > second:
# if first > third:
# print('1', first)
# elif third > first:
# print('3', third)
# if first == third:
# if firstthree > thirdthree:
# print('1', first)
# elif firstthree == thirdthree:
# if firsttwo > thirdtwo:
# print('1', first)
# elif thirdtwo > firsttwo:
# print('3', third)
# elif firsttwo == thirdtwo:
# print('0', first)
# elif thirdthree > firstthree:
# print('3', third)
# elif second > first:
# if second > third:
# print('2', second)
# elif third > second:
# print('3', third)
# elif second == third:
# if secondthree > thirdthree:
# print('2', second)
# elif secondthree == thirdthree:
# if secondtwo > thirdtwo:
# print('2', second)
# elif thirdtwo > secondtwo:
# print('3', third)
# elif thirdtwo == secondtwo:
# print('0', second)
# elif thirdthree > secondthree:
# print('3', third)
# elif second > third:
# if second > first:
# print('2', second)
# elif first > second:
# print('1', first)
# elif second == first:
# if secondthree > firstthree:
# print('2', second)
# elif firstthree > secondthree:
# print('1', first)
# elif firstthree == secondthree:
# if firsttwo > secondtwo:
# print('1', first)
# elif secondtwo > firsttwo:
# print('2', second)
# elif secondtwo == firsttwo:
# print('0', second)
# elif third > second:
# if third > first:
# print('3', third)
# elif first > third:
# print('1', first)
# elif third == first:
# if thirdthree > firstthree:
# print('3', third)
# elif thirdthree == firstthree:
# if thirdtwo > firsttwo:
# print('3', third)
# elif thirdtwo == firsttwo:
# print('0', third)
# elif thirdtwo < firsttwo:
# print('1', first)
# elif firstthree > thirdthree:
# print('1', first)
# elif first == second and second == third:
# if firstthree == secondthree and secondthree == thirdthree:
# print('0', first)
# elif firstthree > secondthree:
# if thirdthree == firstthree:
# print('0', first)
# elif thirdthree > firstthree:
# print('3', third)
# else:
# print('1', first)
# elif secondthree > firstthree:
# if secondthree == thirdthree:
# print('0', second)
# elif thirdthree > secondthree:
# print('3', third)
# else:
# print('2', second)
# else:
# print('3', third)
# # Q 4691
# n = int(input())
# money = 0
# biggestsolo = 0
# for i in range(n): # the entire trials
# diceresults = list(map(int,input().split()))
# for j in range(1,7): #for each row counting
# if diceresults.count(j) == 4:
# if (50000 + j*5000) > money:
# money = 50000 + j*5000
# elif diceresults.count(j) == 3:
# if (10000 + j*1000) > money:
# money = 10000 + j*1000
# elif diceresults.count(j) == 2:
# for k in range(1,7): #for counting 2 doubles
# if diceresults.count(k) == 2 and k != j:
# if (2000 + j*500 + k*500) > money:
# money = 2000 + j*500 + k*500
# else:
# if (1000 + j*100) > money:
# money = 1000 + j*100
# else:
# diceresults.sort()
# biggestsolo = diceresults[3]
# if biggestsolo*100 > money:
# money = biggestsolo*100
# print(money)
# # Q 4776
# n = int(input())
# number = 0
# alphabet = 'A'
# number = (n-2014) % 10
# alphabet = (n-2008) % 12 + 1
# if alphabet == 1:
# print('A', number, end='')
# if alphabet == 2:
# print('B', number, end='')
# if alphabet == 3:
# print('C', number, end='')
# if alphabet == 4:
# print('D', number, end='')
# if alphabet == 5:
# print('E', number, end='')
# if alphabet == 6:
# print('F', number, end='')
# if alphabet == 7:
# print('G', number, end='')
# if alphabet == 8:
# print('H', number, end='')
# if alphabet == 9:
# print('I', number, end='')
# if alphabet == 10:
# print('J', number, end='')
# if alphabet == 11:
# print('K', number, end='')
# if alphabet == 12:
# print('L', number, end='')
# # Q 4726
# totaldays, adddays = map(int, input().split())
# totaltemp = list(map(int,input().split()))
# addedtemp = 0
# biggesttemp = 0
# for i in range(adddays):
# totaltemp.append(0)
# for i in range(len(totaltemp)):
# for j in range(adddays):
# addedtemp += totaltemp[i]
# if addedtemp > biggesttemp:
# biggesttemp = addedtemp
# print(biggesttemp)
# # different try bc last try kinda failed
# # Q 4726
# totaldays, adddays = map(int, input().split())
# totaltemp = list(map(int,input().split()))
# for i in range(adddays):
# totaltemp.append(0)
# addedtemp = 0
# alladdedtemps = []
# for i in range(totaldays):
# for j in range(adddays):
# addedtemp += totaltemp[i+j]
# alladdedtemps.append(addedtemp)
# addedtemp = 0
# alladdedtemps.sort(reverse=True)
# print(alladdedtemps[0])
# # Q4536
# totaladded = 0
# allvalues = []
# choibeangap = []
# choibeangap.append(0)
# choibeangap.append(0)
# for i in range(10):
# allvalues.append(int(input()))
# totaladded += allvalues[i]
# print(totaladded//10)
# for i in range(10):
# if allvalues.count(allvalues[i]) > choibeangap[1]:
# choibeangap.clear()
# choibeangap.append(allvalues[i])
# choibeangap.append(allvalues.count(allvalues[i]))
# print(choibeangap[0])
# # Q4596
# onerow = []
# bigrow = []
# big = 0
# wherebig = []
# for i in range(9):
# onerow = list(map(int, input().split()))
# bigrow.append(onerow)
# for i in range(9):
# for j in range(9):
# if bigrow[i][j] > big:
# wherebig.clear()
# big = bigrow[i][j]
# wherebig.append(i)
# wherebig.append(j)
# print(big)
# print(wherebig[0] + 1, wherebig[1] + 1)
# n, r = map(int, input().split())
# top = 1
# bottom = 1
# for i in range(1, n+1):
# top *= i
# for i in range (1, r+1):
# bottom *= i
# for i in range (1, (n-r)+1):
# bottom *= i
# print (top//bottom)
# # # Q 1406
# n = input()
# if n == 'love':
# print('I love you.')
# # Q 1407
# words = input().split()
# for i in range(len(words)):
# print(words[i], end='')
# # Q 2721
# good = 0
# first = input()
# second = input()
# third = input()
# if first[len(first)-1] == second[0]:
# good += 1
# if second[len(second)-1] == third[0]:
# good += 1
# if third[len(third)-1] == first[0]:
# good += 1
# if good == 3:
# print('good')
# else:
# print('bad')
# # Q 1990
# n = int(input())
# if n % 3 == 0:
# print('1')
# else:
# print('0')
# # 1990 one more try
# n = input()
# total = 0
# number = 0
# for i in range(len(n)):
# number = int(n[i])
# total += number
# if total % 3 == 0:
# print('1')
# else:
# print('0')
# # Q 1419
# n = input()
# howmany = n.count('love')
# print(howmany)
# # Q 1408
# original = input()
# numberized = []
# firsttype = []
# secondtype = []
# for i in range(len(original)):
# numberized.append(ord(original[i]))
# for i in range(len(original)):
# firsttype.append(chr(numberized[i] + 2))
# for i in range(len(original)):
# secondtype.append(chr((numberized[i]*7)%80 + 48))
# for i in range(len(firsttype)):
# print(firsttype[i], end='', sep='')
# print()
# for i in range(len(secondtype)):
# print(secondtype[i], end='', sep='')
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