# while 1:
# n, a, b = map(int, input().split())
# if n == a == b == 0: break
# arr = sorted([[*map(int, input().split())]for _ in range(n)], key=lambda x: -abs(x[1]-x[2]))
# ans = 0
# for k, x, y in arr:
# if x <= y: val = min(k, a)
# else: val = k - min(k, b)
# ans += val * x + (k - val) * y
# a -= val
# b -= k - val
# print(ans)
# max = -1
# sum = 0
# for i in range(10):
# x, y = input().split()
# x = int(x)
# y = int(y)
# sum = sum - x
# sum = sum + y
# if sum > max:
# max = sum
# print(max)
# def rec(data):
# for i in range(10):
# return(data)
# sum = sum - x
# sum = sum + y
# if sum > max:
# max = sum
# print(max)
# def func(sum, x, y):
# x = int(x)
# y = int(y)
# sum -= x
# sum += y
# return sum
# max = -1
# sum = 0
# for i in range(10):
# x, y = input().split()
# sum = func(sum, x, y)
# if max < sum:
# max = sum
# print(max)
# class patrick:
# # initialization
# def __init__(self):
# print('Class Initialization')
# def callBy(self):
# print('Here is additional Function')
# x = patrick()
# x.callBy()
# class student:
# def __init__(self, name, age):
# self.name = name
# self.age = age
# def talk(self):
# print('My Name is ', self.name, 'My Age is ', self.age)
# data = []
# x = student('윤도윤도 잘생김', 13)
# x.talk()
# data.append(x)
# a=0
# t=0
# n=int(input())
# for i in range(n):
# b,c=input().split()
# b=int(b)
# c=int(c)
# d=c%b
# t=t+d
# print(t)
# class patrick:
# # initialization
# def __init__(self):
# print('Class Initialization')
# def callBy(self):
# print('Here is additional Function')
# x = patrick()
# x.callBy()
# class train:
# def __init__(self):
# Sample Source
# def sum(a, b):
# return a+b
# print(sum(10, 20))
# class calculator:
# def sum(self, a, b):
# return a+b
# x = calculator()
# print(x.sum(10, 20))
# class calculator:
# def __init__(self, a, b): # initialize
# self.a = a
# self.b = b
# def sum(self):
# return self.a + self.b
# x = calculator(10, 20)
# print(x.sum())
# class train:
# def __init__(self):
# self.total = 0
# self.max = -1
# def sum(self, a, b):
# self.total = self.total - a + b
# self.max_()
# def max_(self):
# if self.total > self.max:
# self.max = self.total
# p = train()
# for i in range(10):
# x,y = input().split()
# x = int(x)
# y = int(y)
# p.sum(x, y)
# p.max_()
# print(p.max)
# a = int(input())
# b = int(input())
# c = int(input())
# a_1 = int(input())
# b_1 = int(input())
# cp = min(a,b,c)
# cj = min(a_1,b_1)
# rs = (cp+cj) * 1.1
# print("%.1f" % rs)
# class money:
# def p(self,a,b,c):
# cp = min(a,b,c)
# return cp
# def j(self,a_1,b_1):
# cj = min(a_1,b_1)
# return cj
# a = int(input())
# b = int(input())
# c = int(input())
# a_1 = int(input())
# b_1 = int(input())
# z = money()
# rs = (z.p(a, b, c) +z.j(a_1,b_1)) * 1.1
# print("%.1f" % rs)
# def funck(a,b):
# cnt = 0
# yong = a
# if a == b:
# cnt = 1
# else:
# for i in range(1,a):
# if yong>=b:
# cnt=cnt+1
# yong=a-b+1
# a=yong
# else:
# break
# print(cnt)
# a,b = input().split()
# funck(int(a),int(b))
class cafe:
def __init__(self, a, b):
self.a = a
self.b = b
self.sum = 0
def eat(self):
while True:
if self.a < self.b:
else :
self.a -= self.b
self.a += 1
self.sum += 1
x, y = input().split()
p = cafe(int(x), int(y))
# def funck(a,b):
# cnt = 0
# yong = a
# if a == b:
# cnt = 1
# else:
# for i in range(1,a):
# if yong>=b:
# cnt=cnt+1
# yong=a-b+1
# a=yong
# else:
# break
# print(cnt)
# a,b = input().split()
# funck(int(a),int(b))
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